Tarek Frikha

Tarek Frikha

Associate Professor

ENIS - University of Sfax

Tarek Frikha was born in Sfax (Tunisia) in 1982, He is an assistant professor in National Engineering School of Sfax. He received the engineer degree in electronic engineering from National School of Engineers of Sfax, in 2006 and the Master Diploma from polytech Sophia Antipolis in France. He received a Ph.D in Phd in science and technology of information and communication in University Of of South Brittany, France, and the National Engineering School of Sfax, Tunisia. His research interests include Blockchain for multimedia applications, medical and paramedical data and agricultural applications, Multiprocessor architecture optimization for multimedia domains and hardware/software codesign, approximate computing, Blockchain for multimedia applications, medical and paramedical data and agricultural applications.

  • Blockchain in e-health
  • Blockchain in smart city
  • Blockchain in industry 4.0
  • Embedded Blockchain
  • Embedded architecture
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2013

    University of Sfax

  • Msc in Computer Science, 2008

    University of Sfax

  • Engineer in electrical engeneering, 2007

    University of Sfax
